
Zoning Authority

Brown Township uses Franklin County Zoning as administered through the Franklin County Economic Development and Planning Department. They've recently updated its office hours to be 8:00am-3:00pm, Monday through Friday. Residential building permits and zoning compliance can be applied for through their online permit portal at any time. For those seeking building permit related information they can email building@franklincountyohio.gov. And those seeking zoning, subdivision, or floodplain related information can email planning@franklincountyohio.gov.  Email responses will be provided as quickly as possible.  

Please visit their website for more details. https://development.franklincountyohio.gov/

The Franklin County Planning & Zoning web resources can be found at https://development.franklincountyohio.gov/planning-zoning


Stream Setbacks

Please review these documents provided by the Franklin County Planning Department.

Setbacks MAP
Franklin County Regulations
Big Darby Watershed Stream Setback Protection Areas Brochure