Elliott Road Development

Tarlton Meadows

Pulte Homes submitted to the City of Hilliard application materials for the rezoning of 190 acres of property along Elliott Road. This was for the development of 278 residential lots with 98.1 acres of open space. The land was annexed to Hilliard but the tax base remained in Brown Township. The City of Hilliard Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed the application at a meeting at on March 10, 2016. The case was tabled after presentation and opposition testimony at the February 11, 2016 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting.  Click here for the plans submitted as public documents on this project.

For more information about this development, please contact Hilliard City Planner John Talentino at 614-334-2444 or jtalentino@hilliardohio.gov.

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